Defining the dose of gemtuzumab(ozogamicin) in AML a comparitive randomised study mrc AML 17 trial. alan Burnett ,jamie cavenagh, nigel russell et al – acknowledgement Salim Shafeek(worcestershire Royal trust. Haematologica Feb 2016
Addition of gemtuzumab (ozogamicin) to induction chemotherapy improves survival in older patients with aml-mrc aml trial data- jco 30th july 2012 prof alan burnett, charlie craddock, don milligan et al – acknowlegement –salim shafeek (worcestershire royal hospital)
Prospective MRD monitoring to predict relapse of apml & to direct preemtive arsenic trioxide treatment –mrc aml 15 trial prof david grimwade et al – ackowledgement salim shafeek (worcestershire roayl hospital) jco 9th feb 2009
First-Line treatment with Zoledronic acid as compared with oral clodronate in multiple myeloma(mrc myeloma ix) as randomised controlled trial: lancet 376 (0757) pp 1989-1999 gareth morgan , faith davies et al- salim shafeek (worcesteshire royal hospital)
Image in Blood Med. Pamidronate induced osteonecrosis of the jaw in a myeloma patient.
Image in Blood Med. Variant acute promyelocytic leukaemia presenting with massive intracerebral haemorrhage. S Paneesha, S Shafeek, C Phillips and R Stockley
Climatic influence on Haemoglobin levels of blood donors. Shafeek S, Beckman N. Smith N, Gabra G, Transfusion Today, No. 28. September 1996, Page 6-8.
Treatment of anaemia of progressive renal failure with recombinant erythropoietin – A preliminary report. Salim K.A, Shafeek S, Mathew T.J.Asso Physicians of India, Vol 40, Page 42-3, January 1992.
Chickenpox induced pancytopenia and prompt response to high dose intravenous immunoglobulin. Shafeek. S, Salim K.A, JAPI, Vol 40, No. 10: Page 689-690 1992.
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome of SLE presenting as deep thrombosis. Shafeek.S,Salim.K.A. JAPI,Februaryl992,Vol4O,No2,Page 125-126.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma presenting as pure red cell aplasia. Shafeek S, Salim.K.A, JAPI, Vol. 40. No. 11. Page 765 – 766. 1992
Presentations and Abstracts
The Quadruplet Combination of Carfilzomib, Cyclophosphamide , Lenalidomide and dexamethasone is safe and well tolerated as induction therapy for Newly diagnosed , transplant eligible Myeloma patients (Myeloma XI+ trial UK) Faith Davies , Nigel Russell, Gordon Cook , Donald Milligan , Salim Shafeek , Gareth Morgan et al EHA 12th June 2015 Oral presentation.
The UK & Ireland Perspective of Relapsed refractory Multiple Myeloma(PASS) treated with Lenalidomide, Bortezomib & Thalidomide. Multicenter Observational PASS study. Poster EHA 2014
Jenny Bird, Salim Shafeek, John Ashcroft, Roger Owen & Graham Jackson
Toxicity & Efficacy of Bendamustine in CLL & Indolent NHL – A Multicenter observational of real life experience in UK. Poster EHA 2015
Duncan Murray, Supratik Basu, Salim Shafeek, Sridhar Chaganti, Shankara Paneesha & Sebastian Francis
High dose ARA-C/Amsacrine as salvage therapy in Acute leukaemias- Regional transplant centre experience .S. Paneesha, S.Shafeek, P.Mahendra, C.Craddock.(BSH Poster – April 2002 )
Two cases of Post Transfusion Hyperhaemolysis in Sickle cell disease. S.Shafeek, M.Jabbar, M.J.Strevens,D.Bareford ,N.Smith ;British Journal of Haematology ,Suppl 1 March 2000: Page 38.
A baby with combined hyperlipidaemia presenting as Anaemia & Milky
Blood Salim K.A. Shafeek S, Blood Vol 76, No. 10: 46a. Suppl: November
15th 1990
A case of haemolysis due to excess serum copper possibly from dietary
sources in a patient having Low serum Caeruloplasmin. Salim K.A, Shafeek.S. Blood Vol 76, No 10, 46a, suppl: Nov 15th 1990.
Effect of short course Alpha Interferon in chronic myelogenous leukaemia.
Salim K.A, Shafeek S, Sathianathan P. Abstract – British Joumal of
Haematology, August 1992 (ISH Special)
An unusual case of eosinophilic granuloma (Langerhans Cell Granuloma) -1991 – API Agra, India. Salim K.A, Shafeek S. Presented at Asso Physicians of India National Conference.
Ondansetron versus high dose metoclopramide in Chemotherapy induced
nausea and vomiting – A preliminary report. Salim K.A., Shafeek. S, Sathyanathan P. Presented at API National Conference April 1992.
11.Mucor Mycotic Osteitis and Rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a diabetic patient with Diabetiv Ketoacidosis. Shafeek, Salim KA- Presented at API meeting,April1992
A clinical profile of acute intermittent Porphyria – twelve cases. Salim K.A, Shafeek. S, Sathyanathan P, Paper Presented at API January 1993.
An unusual case of systemic amyloidosis and plasma cell dyscrasia in a 62 year old man. Salim K.A., Shafeek S., Sathyanathan P. Paper presented for API, January 1993.
Pseudotumour of right leg in a patient with haemophilia – A. Salim K.A.
Shafeek, Sathyanathan P, paper presented for API January 1993.
Effect of ondansetron (5H3 receptor antagonist) in the relief of symptoms in malignant Carcinoid syndrome. Salim. K.A., Shafeek. S, Manoj. C. Paper presented for API January 1992.
Clinical effect of octreotide (Sandostatin) in controlling the symptoms of Malignant carcinoid syndrome. Salim. K.A, Shafeek. S, Manoj. S. Paper presented for API January 1993.
17.Lymes Disease – Calicut Experience. Salim. K.A, Shafeek. S. Sathyanathan. P. Paper presented for API January 1993.
Audit Experience
Autologous Transplantation over 10 year period , at a single centre experience . Walsgrave Hospital , Coventry
Hickmann line audit – Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry
Antifungal audit in Haematology inpatients at Worcestershire Royal Hospital 2008.
Teaching Experience
Actively involved in teaching Undergraduates from Leicester & Warwick University. Also have dedicated sessions for Postgraduate students.
Organised Nurses training course on Chemotherapy, Myeloma & Lymphoma
Given talk for Patient group in Worcestershire on Lymphoma Treatments.
Involved in local MRCP teaching and Foundation year training and core medical training. Actively involved in teaching registrars and Staff grade doctors in Haematology
Involved in update educational regional meeting in West Midlands in Myeloma and CLL
Involved in Nurse prescribing courses and Anticoagulation training courses through University of Worcester
Faculty in MSc Haematology course conducted by Cancer studies in University of Birmingham since 2002 annually.
Actively involved in teaching 3rd, 4th & final year medical students.
Involved in Postgraduate teaching for FRCPath course and regional training in Birmingham.
Examiner for MRCP (UK) Paces examination for all three Royal colleges & FRCPath final exit examination.